Wednesday, October 10, 2007

shocks and springs

For the last week and a half, I've been wondering where Spring is. Snow on the berg, persistent torrential rains and the middle of October don't usually appear in the same conversation, but here we are - almost in the middle of October - and wondering whether we're even gonna pack those jackets away again. Which brings me to one of my favourite pastimes (is that even 1 word?) - shopping. One of my favourite new labels is 'red bat' and from what I've seen, their stuff is only available at Sportscene. They have a great line of casual summer wear available, and even though I've now made my first clothing purchase of the coming summer season, it's difficult to imagine myself in it in this kind of weather. So while we're experiencing this unseasonal (though my memory suggests it ALWAYS rains around this time of year) weather, I've been searching (in vain) for a good blazer that I can use with jeans. I found one at woolies, but it just wasn't casual enough - and it was R1400. For now, the search goes on.... On the topic of fashion, my recent frequent visits to virginactive, coupled with relatively good discipline where diet is concerned has meant that for the first time in at least 2 decades, I may have to downsize my belts. So when my friends say 'keep it up', what exactly do they mean?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.